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Sabtu, Agustus 18, 2012


Hatiku tak sebening aliran air dari pegunungan.
Sikapku tidak sesempurna para Ahli Surga.
Tutur kataku tak seindah suara lantunan ayat suci Al-Qur'an.

Saat yang baik ini dan detik-detik menjelang akhir bulan Ramadhan 1433 H perkenankan diriku ini memohon maaf atas semua khilaf dan salahku pada semua orang yang telah hadir dalam kehidupanku, baik yang menyayangiku ataupun yang membenciku.

Dengan hati yang ikhlas dan tulus saya beserta keluarga mengucapkan:
1 Syawal 1433 H
Minal Aidzin wal Faizin
Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin.

Cepat, Murah, dan Terpercaya !

Rabu, Agustus 15, 2012


Fungsi penyimpanan dimaksudkan untuk menyeimbangkan periode panen dan periode paceklik. Ada empat alasan pentingnya penyimpanan untuk produk- produk pertanian, yaitu: a) produk bersifat musiman, b) adanya permintaan akan produk pertanian yang berbeda sepanjang tahun, c) perlunya waktu untuk menyalurkan produk dari produsen ke konsumen, d) perlunya stok persediaan untuk musim berikutnya.

Fungsi transportasi dimaksudkan untuk menjadikan suatu produk berguna dengan memindahkannya dari produsen ke konsumen. Biaya transportasi ditentukan oleh: a) lokasi produksi, b) area pasar yang dilayani, c) bentuk produk yang dipasarkan, d) ukuran dan kualitas produk yang dipasarkan.

Fungsi standarisasi dan grading dimaksudkan untuk menyederhanakan dan mempermudah serta meringankan biaya pemindahan komoditi melalui saluran pemasaran. Grading adalah penyortiran produk-produk ke dalam satuan atau unit tertentu. Standarisasi adalah justifikasi kualitas yang seragam antara pembeli dan penjual, antar tempat dan antar waktu.

Fungsi periklanan dimaksudkan untuk menginformasikan ke konsumen apa yang tersedia untuk dibeli dan untuk mengubah permintaan atas suatu produk. Masalah yang timbul dalam periklanan produk-produk pertanian terutama berkaitan dengan karakteristik produk-produk pertanian itu sendiri.

Sumber: dari berbagai sumber

Cepat, Murah, dan Terpercaya !

Senin, Agustus 06, 2012

Ideas Landscaping

"How to Liven Up Your Home With Over 7250 Breathtaking Landscaping Designs WITHOUT Hiring Costly Professional Landscape Designers... " 

Read on to discover how you can gain instant access to the freshest landscaping ideas & lamp; videos that are sure to spice up your home sweet home

 I f you are reading this letter then it is likely that you want to design your dream home landscape. And if you're a proud homeowner, you're most likely aware of the cost and effort required to design a landscape. And just as likely, you've probably come up against the same old brick wall... 
 Do you know that most landscaping designers overcharge you for their services? 
  • Have you under-estimated the time and cost required to complete your dream landscape? 
  • Having trouble coming up with ideas for your landscape design? 
  • Do you want a new landscape but don't know where to start? 
If you've answered yes to any of the above, I understand your pain. I was once in your shoes... 

"Here's Some Advice That'll Save You $$$... On Your Next Landscaping Project..." 

Here's the BIG problem: Most landscaping designers are downright rip-offs. 

Why? They overcharge you with the simplest design ideas and they skip over many important parts. 

 I've been designing and building my own landscapes for the past 18 years. The truth is, when I first started out, I spent a ton of time reading magazines and hiring different designers. Most of the time, it just left me with more questions than answers and a huge hole in my pocket. 

Well, luckily for you, these problems become a blessing in disguise because I have spent the last 5 years putting together a comprehensive landscaping resource with all the design inspirations and instructions of my 18 years of experience. 

For complete information click here please:

Cepat, Murah, dan Terpercaya !

Kamis, Agustus 02, 2012

Geodesic Dome Green House

"How To Create Your Own Geodesic Dome Green House And Have Your Own 'Organic Food Factory' Providing You and Your Family With Incredible Food, Year Round, Even In The Dead of Winter!"

It’s Easy To Create a Massive Geodesic Dome Which Produces Food For You And Your Family Non-Stop. You Don't Need Any Special Skills, It's Extremely Cheap, And I'll Show You Exactly How To Do It, Step-by-Step... 

Here's What Most People Don't Know About Geodesic Dome Greenhouses: 
  • They're extremely cheap to build. You can build one for pennies compared to the cost of normal green-houses by using regular 2x4s from Home Depot. 
  • They're extremely heat efficient. With proper design and covering you can have your own "Eden Dome" with a tropical temperatures inside, even in the dead of winter. 
  • It's the strongest structure mankind can build. Geodesic domes can withstand an incredible amount of force, they're Earthquake proof and will withstand hurricane force winds. 
  • You can build them to any size, anywhere. No matter what space you have to work with in your back-yard. 
  • You can grow an incredible amount of food inside your bio-dome, year round, and have your very own "eden food factory" 
  • They're extremely light & lamp; portable, you can easily move them! You do not need a permit to build a temporary structure, and can have one whether you own land or you're just renting!
For complete information click here please:
Geodesic Dome Green House

Cepat, Murah, dan Terpercaya !